25 April, 2014

Let's try acetone vapor treated parts!

I've printed quite a few test-Marvins now in ABS, let's throw one of them in an acetone vapor bath!

The setup: big glass jar, a little bit of acetone, a small 'table' that fits in the jar and a heatbed. 

Put the jar with acetone on the heatbed at 100°C and put the ABS piece in the vapor for a couple of minutes.

The result: smooth parts!

Warning: Acetone is very flammable and the fumes are not very healthy!

23 April, 2014

Just printing some stuff, no calibration this time...

The Droplet Vase from Thingiverse. The top is not very good due to the issue described in the previous post.

I kept losing my drills, so made this object in Sketchup (I need to try other software soon), sliced with the new Slic3r 1.0.1 and printed with PrintRun Pronterface.
Note to self: do not print a 3mm hole for a 3mm object, use spacing!

Bad print quality on small lines/area's/bridges + Custom made adjustable Z-endstop

My <5mm = bad print quality issue

While printing smaller objects the prin quality is really bad. Rounded corners that should be straight corners, ugly 5mm bridges while I can print a perfect (imho) 50mm bridge. etc.
So i've asked the people on the RepRap Forums for their experienced advice...

Custom made adjustable Z-endstop

A friend created a custom made adjustable z-endstop in a fancy CAD program. The print is not perfect yet (due to the issue described above) but a second version of the STL files is coming soon. If it works out fine I'll post the STL's on thingiverse!

11 April, 2014

Bracelet for my girlfriend

For my mothers' wedding my girlfriend asked me to print a black bracelet. So I've ordered some black ABS from Charlie and printed this bracelet from Thingiverse by Nervoussystem.
My girlfriend and me were happy with the result.

My beautiful girlfriend with our self printed bracelet.

10 April, 2014

Calibrating > Bridging @ 30mm/s

To print the 5mm bridge I've set the bridge printing speed to 30mm/s (in Advanced settings of Slic3r). I was very happy with the first result.

50mm bridge @ 30mm/s

07 April, 2014

Calibration calibration calibration...

Perimeter Width - Calibration
Oozebane & Bridging calibration
Bridging Calibration - This box is hollow.
Marvin v1 & v2

02 April, 2014

Printed Marvin for a review on 3dhubs.com

I've listed my printer on 3dHubs.com so people can pay me to print items for them.
To get a first review you are asked to print 'a Marvin keychain'. I'm not very happy with the result so I'll first do more calibrating and then give Marvin another go soon.

Check my 3d Print Hub here!

Object: Marvin - 20140205_Marvin_KeyChain.STL
Hotend: 245°C 1st layer, then 240°C
Heatbed: 110°C
Material: 3mm ABS
Layer height: 0.2mm
Wall thickness: 0.4mm
Infill: 25%